
Wedding Memories

Posted in Memories at 1:47 pm by Tarlie Harris

As the younger siblings at both Chance and Gabe’s weddings, Lucas and I had a lot of fun.

For Chance’s wedding in Austin, Lucas got in much later than he was supposed to because he was flying in from NJ and had gotten in the habit of giving up his plane seat whenever they asked for volunteers. He took a cab straight from the airport to the bar where we were at, which caused a huge ruckus, since dad had gone to the airport (without hearing from him) to look for him. But he shows up at the bar no problem, which was so him, noone even remembered telling him the name of the place we were going to be. I think he was like, well I knew downtown wasn’t that big. It was so fun that we got to be in the wedding together, walking each other up the aisle after the ceremony. I can still remember our big grins the whole time. They had a celtic band playing, which I gotta say, was difficult to dance to, but Lucas found a way. My favorite part of the weekend was the end of the wedding night, Lucas and I went back to our hotel room and hung out with Rob and Natasha. David Berry had already been asleep in our room, I guess we told him to stay in our room (?), and I just remember us waking him up and he was hilarious talking about how Bethany had passed out in the bed next to him and he had no idea what was going on and felt a little awkard (he’s married with kids!) and Bethany wandered out of the room and we just laughed for as long as we could stay up, he was cracking us up! Rob and Natasha finally left to go to sleep at like 4 and we had to leave for the airport at 5. Lucas and I were on the same flight back to Nashville and then he was continuing on to NJ. Rob took us to the airport and we were all completely delerious. Lucas and I checked in and then laid down on the floor of the airport, with my head on his stomach, and slept soundly until our plane took off a couple of hours later. I’m not sure why I remember this so clearly, I guess it was just that there aren’t that many people you can lay down on the airport floor with and go to sleep, but Lucas was one of them for me.

lucas and tarlie chance wedding
three boys salt lick

For Gabe’s wedding in Barbados, we once again shared a room. It kind of got to be a joke between us, since were in our 20s and still sharing a room, but neither one of us minded, we just thought it was funny. Of course, we partied hard the first night and the next morning we were supposed to go on the boat cruise. I wake Lucas up and he pops up out of bed and is like, yea, ok i’ll get ready, he gets in the shower and then throws up twice and gets back in bed and is like, yea, i’m not going. So I get up, throw up twice, and am like, ok Luke, I’m heading out, see you later. I’m still not sure that my resolve to go was any better than Lucas staying behind since I spent the entire cruise face down on my stomach trying not to throw up while everyone else drank punch. My favorite memory of Lucas on that trip is during the party after the ceremony. They had these two Caribbean girls in sexy black dresses singing in this conference-like room and at first everyone was like, hmmmm, this might be hard to party to. But after a bit they started singing songs that we knew and Lucas was the first to stand up and dance right in front of them and sing along and try and get everyone all pumped up. So then Dad and I joined him and then everyone else, and I just remember thinking, our family is pretty cool as far as dancing and singing and trying to get people to have a good time goes. And Lucas was always the ring leader.

Here, most people are still sitting and Lucas is up trying to get things going.
lucas getting started barbados

And a short while later, everyone is up, and Lucas is in full on dance mode!
lucas full dancing barbados

three boys barbados

Oh, and I almost forgot about the horseback riding. We rode horses on the beach one afternoon, the guide who took us decided that Lucas was totally fine to ride on his own, but that he needed to hold the reins of me and Rob’s horses the whole time, what the hell?! I had definitely ridden more than Lucas, but he had that way about him, and he did do fine. It was a funny ride.

group horseback



  1. JudiMom said,

    July 7, 2006 at 3:21 pm

    What wonderful memories…. I knew some of the facts in both cases but loved reading your versions of it all. I love you. I love Lucas, I love Chance and Gabe. I think each of you knows that but wanted to write it out to remind you.

  2. JudiMom said,

    July 19, 2006 at 2:17 pm

    As these days of July creep by and I go over last July in my head I try really hard to think of July’s with fun in them for me. I guess one of the best has to be just being with the kids around the pool in Millbrook. We all spent many hours there with each other… this must be Lucas at just three months..

  3. JudiMom said,

    July 19, 2006 at 2:21 pm

    I can’t seem to add the picture to the other comment..

    Hope this works!

  4. JudiMom said,

    July 26, 2006 at 7:43 pm

    Today is Wed. July 26, 2006. I went to Millbrook year on Wed July 27. It was the last time I saw Lucas… the very last words that day were from Lucas to me as I backed out the driveway he ducked down and looked in my window and said “I love you” ane I said “I love you” back to him. I don’t understnad why the love was not enough… it was all I could give …..but I still love you lucas…..i miss you… mom.

  5. Jacob Kirkland said,

    July 31, 2006 at 1:10 pm

    I was moving out of the Millbook house this time last year. I will never forget my last moments with Lucas as he consoled me and was telling me how everything was going to work out for me and my dog. I was moving in with my parents as I built my new house and at the time did not know what I would be doing with my dog. I will never forget that moment sitting their in his room and how he made me realize everything would be ok. I wish I could have made him feel the same way. All your friends miss you and love you!

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