
“Summertime and the livin’ is easy”

Posted in Memories at 3:52 pm by JudiMom

When Lucas got older he, of course, would follow Chance and Gabe into the woods for long summer days of fort building, cowboys and indians, creek wading but until he could keep up with them he played in the backyard with the hose. The hose ran every day until there was a creek in our back yard. It down too the fence and over to the tree house. I can remember going in to get the camera as he called me out the door one afternoon and wanted help washing his wagon. I knew that his cute blonde hair was soon going to disappear and he would be growing up fast. This is my most favorite picture of Lucas in the whole world….

help me wash my wagon

And sure enough next year at the pool you can see his blonde hair is mostly gone and he is growing up fast….

say cheese? me?

We made a family trip to Callao… and annapolis in 1987…. he caught a crab…

See my crab?

We moved to Everest Drive in Montgomery and he played golf one summer in the Capital City Junior League…

but I remember the summer Gabe went to kicking camp at UTC in Chattanooga. It was a four day camp— Lucas and I took Gabe and left him there and we spent the days in Chattanooga…..I don’t think grandmother and PopPaw were there. I don’t have a picture of our time together but we went hiking.

Just– Lucas and I went up Lookout Mountain and walked all the way around it and back up to the road . Lucas knew exactly where he was going and I kept saying “we need to turn around and go back we are lost….” “Nooooo, mom, I know where we are just keep up with me and he would run off… I had sandles on and could not run.”

We walked for at least four hours up and down, across a river, and to the other side of the brow and then up to the road where we left the car. I know I was so proud to see Lucas knew exactly where he was and he turned to me and said “SEEE I told you we could get there…!!!” He had so much fun we went back the next day and did the same exactly thing but this time I had on tennis shoes and I trusted him to lead me …

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