
Thank you Dan

Posted in Memories at 11:23 pm by Tarlie Harris

My first impression of Lucas was that he was, in fact, Harry Connick, Jr. This was at a performance by my band in Auburn several years ago, and although he didn’t turn out to be the crooner, he became a loyal supporter of our music and a very good friend. Our respective girlfriends were friends from Montgomery and we eventually ended up as next door neighbors there on Wright’s Mill Rd in Auburn. Lucas would frequently help me with car trouble, as he was quite handy (and the only screwdriver I’ve heard of contains orange juice). He was very generous and a great neighbor.

The main thing I remember about Lucas is lots and lots of good times. This was my second pass through Auburn and as an old guy I didn’t know too many other folks and so he and I spent more than a few nights hanging out at home like old codgers while the town partied around us. (We might have partied a little, too). I remember those times very warmly. Lucas was never anything but upbeat and fun, smiling and laughing.

Sometimes those nights would bring out a depth to Lucas that one wouldn’t always see otherwise, Lucas not being the type to talk incessantly. In particular I remember he and I watching coverage of the war in Iraq late into the evenings and discussing the state of the world at length.

I remember throwing the football in the yard, chasing after one of those many dogs, getting my girlfriend’s cat(Larry) out of a tree…simple memories of good times.

I know there was a lot more to Lucas than I was ever aware of, but I just remember a good guy, a good buddy, a good neighbor. And to me that’s as valuable as anything and I won’t forget it.

Dan Campbell

1 Comment »

  1. Tarlie Harris said,

    September 1, 2005 at 9:24 am

    you mentioned a few things about lucas that are so right on – he was handy, he could fix anything and put anything together just by instinct, and if he couldn’t then he had for sure given it a good go. and he was so generous, especially with his time and his encouragement.

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