
Letter from Lee Murphy

Posted in Memories at 5:31 pm by JudiMom

Jerry and I recieved this letter (one of many) from a teammate of Lucas’ at Saint James,

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Harris,
It is with greatest sympathy that I write to offer my thoughts and prayers during this most difficult time. I cannot fathom the pain that you have experienced from your  tragedy, and I know that nothing can fill the void. However, I hope to offer some memories of Lucas that I will never forget.

On the football field at Saint James High School, Lucas was a leader without even trying to lead. His mere presence and passion for life was sufficient to inspire younger players as we practiced and worked toward our goals. Lucas was always, fun-loving and mischievious in the locker room, but fierce and intense on the filed. Probably, the most excellent display of his true character occured during his last game as a Senior. In a losing effort vs. Sulligent, we on the defensive side of the ball were beaten down in the final quarter. The season had been successful but long, and many of the younger players (me included) were ready to have some afternoons off from practice. So in the fourth quarter, with victory all but hopeless, I can recall Ludas (our middle linebacker) coming back to the huddle covered in mud. Both arms hung limp at his side due to “stingers” in both shoulders. Rain dripped from his facemask as he yelled at us to step up and play with pride. He refused to walk off the field without giving every ounce of himself. I could see the pain in his face and found myself moved by his toughness and sacrifice. I played the remaining minutes of that game with a different view of what football was all about. Lucas had taught me leadership and courage in a powerful way.

As you already know, Lucas was a person who brought joy and light-heartedness to nearly every situation, but I remember him as a hero on the gridiron. He understood the concepts of teamwork and the dynamics of leadership better than anyone. I am grateful to him for modeling these values to younger students at Saint James, and the world is surely diminished by his loss. Lucas was a beautiful person and that is how I will always remember him. Please know that we are thinking of you as you morn. If you ever need anything at UAB, please let me know.

God Bless You,

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