
Night Night

Posted in Memories at 2:19 pm by rdurden

Some of my happiest memories with Lucas involved us doing absolutely nothing at all. As outgoing as Lucas was most of the time, we both looked forward to the times when we could relax together at home. He would always let me use his cherished “night night” blankie. He even started breaking in a second “night night” during our time together because I used it so much. I remember trying to wash it once and he was not thrilled with the idea becuase he liked the way it smelled. Even if he didn’t pack clothes or a toothbrush when we were traveling, he made sure to pack those blankies.


  1. Tarlie Harris said,

    September 2, 2005 at 3:14 pm

    the “night nights” were (are) a big thing for me and lucas. we both had the same kind for a long time into our childhood. but then my grandmother washed mine and it fell into a 100 pieces, i was probably around 6 at this point. i think the same thing must have happened with lucas’ original. so we were always very opposed to the washing of the night nights. (mine right now is dark grey and really smelly, but lovely of course). then my grandmother made him a new improved version of his, the same silky material. it was awesome. you would never know looking at it now that it wasn’t 50 years old. i got a replacement after the washing of mine, but it wasn’t as good as lucas’. and then lucas’ winnie the pooh blanket somehow made it to night night status as well. unlike anyone else, i didnt have to explain the importance that my night night always be with me to lucas. he just knew.

    it reminds me of one other thing that only lucas understood. we probably made up the term together when we were little, which is why he was the only one who knew what i was talking about. but, whenever we laughed really hard for a while, our “hands would tickle.” this meant that we couldn’t do anything with our hands, like open a jar or use the remote control, because our hands were still “tickling” from the laughter. we had to stop laughing for a while before our hands would work again. i still use that expression today, and whoever i am talking to just looks at me like, “what” and i think, oh yea, lucas is the only other person who actually knows what i am talking about, nevermind. it’s boring to explain what it means, you just have to know, and lucas did.

    this is an excellent picture for honoring lucas’ night nights since he has both of them with him. this was pretty common by the way. you will also notice that he is not that little 😉 The shiny “new” one on top and winnie the pooh on bottom.

  2. lane bailey said,

    September 8, 2005 at 1:34 pm

    I remember night night. He was so cute about night night. I remember this night when I fell asleep on your couch and I woke up with night night on me. I knew that night night was extremely special to Lucas, but like in so many other areas, Lucas’s selfless and comforting nature prevailed and that is one of the infinite reasons he was so admired and loved by an amazing number of people

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