
Wyatt and Lucas

Posted in Memories at 5:37 pm by Tarlie Harris

This is one of my favorite pictures. This was last summer, July 2004 up at Gabe’s house outside of Boston. Wyatt was 1 year old in this picture, and this was the first time Wyatt had seen Lucas in probably a couple of months, which in 1 year old time is a really long time. Wyatt was a pretty shy baby as well. But when Lucas and I first got up there, Wyatt went straight to Lucas, held out his arms for him as soon as he saw him. Then after a minute, he was like, wait a second – this isn’t my dad. It was pretty interesting to watch the realization hit his face because Gabe and Lucas not only look so much alike sometimes, but they really sound identical – and i think they just have the same feel to them that babies are good at recognizing. It was cool. This picture was taken later in the trip, Wyatt was cranky and had gotten hurt or something while playing and Lucas was lying down on the other side of the room and Wyatt just walks on over to Lucas and climbs on top of him to get a rest for a minute.

It is a little dark, but you get the idea.

Lucas and Wyatt 2004


  1. JudiMom said,

    September 29, 2005 at 1:48 pm

    I worked so hard over the past year to try and get Lucas to be better. I have forgotton all the good things about him. Please keep posting good things for me to remember… I love you and miss you, Lucas. I want and need to remember the good things. I want everyone who reads this to do something kind for someone today in his memory… I will.

  2. Christine said,

    October 8, 2005 at 2:14 pm

    It is no surprise to me that Wyatt took immediately to Lucas – when he is naming people in pictures and sees one of Lucas – he often identifies him as “Daddy”. I think Gabe and Lucas not only looked alike but shared a lot of personality traits as well. I often couldn’t help feeling like Lucas was just like Gabe – even though I never really got a chance to know Lucas super well. And the things that I love about Gabe I couldn’t help seeing and loving about Lucas too – and I am sure Wyatt did as well. Lucas was warm and fun and charming – it seems like anyone who met him (even just in passing) thought so too.