
His Smile

Posted in Memories at 12:14 pm by Dayna Mullins

A few weeks ago I was out late and missed my flight to California the following morning. I felt terrible and all I could do to get through waiting 5 hours until the next flight was find the sunniest spot near a big window and sleep on the floor. As I was drifting off to sleep Lucas’ smile popped into my head. I saw his wide, full tooth grin, dimples and all. It was such an unexpected yet welcome treat, and I felt his strong presence with me for a few minutes. I would trade anything to have him back with us, and it makes me so sad and angry that he’s not here. In those moments when I feel his energy and presence, I am moved…sometimes to tears and sometimes to laugh or smile. In life Lucas always made me laugh, thank you all for sharing these memories…you’ve helped me laugh a ton in the face of our terrible loss.


  1. Jacob Kirkland said,

    October 25, 2005 at 6:29 pm

    I think about Lucas daily. I miss him greatly. I will always try to treat my friends the way Lucas treated his friends.. He really cared about you as a person more than anyone I have met. Its still very hard not seeing his smile and just sitting on the couch and talking about crazy things..

    One thing I really miss about him was the way he got so excited when he believed in something.. We would just be talking and if we talked about something he felt strongly about it was just so funny seeing him get so wound up..

    I miss you Lucas and will forever cherish our friendship…

  2. rdurden said,

    October 26, 2005 at 3:23 pm

    Lucas had such a great spirit. He naturally did not judge anyone, and was one of the most forgiving people I have ever met. He could talk to anyone about anything, and could turn any stranger into a friend. We discussed the purpose of life on many occasions, and believed that life is meaningless without God. I believe he is in a better place now, turning strangers into friends.

  3. lane bailey said,

    October 28, 2005 at 4:25 pm

    Lucas did have an unbelieveable and unforgettable smile. It was so warm and endearing just as he was.He had a presence about him that really made you feel special.You never felt like you had to act a certain way,You could talk to Lucas about anything.He would notice the one person standing alone at a party or whatever and walk right up and talk to them, and not in a arrogant or fake way,but just in the layed back and sincere manner he had. I miss him so much and some days it is an overwhelming feeling of grief, anger,confusion, and so many emotions. I am thankful for this website because it is a refuge and while I would trade anything in the world to have Lucas back, it is kind of the “next best thing”. I love reading these amazing stories that I never would have known about too.Lucas was such a precious person and I know God’s hand was on Lucas and he is in a better place I hope that we will be able to see Lucas again when we eventually pass. I have to believe that we will.

  4. JudiMom said,

    November 1, 2005 at 10:25 am

    Lucas had a chipped front tooth. It was capped so you would not know it. He was with Chance and David Berry ( I think) in Chance’s car. He must have been about 9 years old. I think he must have called shotgun or something and then jumped into the front seat and rolled up the window. He most likley then made some stupid face and blew on the window and David like punched the window and Lucas caught it on the front tooth. Of course, the story I got was ” I wasn’t doing anything it just fell off. I swear!!! Just ask David. I swear.”

    I always worried about it when he played rough with the boys and in sports but it only came off once. We couldn’t get it fixed so he went to his senior homecomeing as a snaggle tooth. I felt bad because I knew he did not want to be seen like that but…. he came home and said it was ok… not as bad as he thought it would be.

    His lopsidded smile with dimples only on one side could light up my day with or without the snaggled tooth.

  5. Tarlie Harris said,

    November 2, 2005 at 6:46 pm

    lucas gatlinburg
    a few of my favorite versions of his smile….

  6. Tarlie Harris said,

    November 2, 2005 at 6:48 pm

    lucas mont couch

  7. Tarlie Harris said,

    November 2, 2005 at 6:49 pm

    lucas key west smile

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