
CB’s, Guns, and Bows

Posted in Memories at 12:22 am by Rob Rosenfeld

The first time I met Lucas was my first holiday visit to the Harris’ in Montgomery, probably Thanksgiving 1993. When I got there, it took a while for Lucas to appear, so I asked what he was doing. He said he had been grounded for poor grades and was hanging out in his room. It was clear from his mischeivious grin he wasn’t sitting around moping in there. He was talking to truckers on the CB convincing them he was different people using fake voices to get them to say curse words or talk about sex.

During my same visit Lucas and Jerry were going hunting and were talking a bunch about it. They were starting to get excited and got around to talking about hunting boars. Turns out you walk around on the ground to hunt them and they can turn and charge, so they had gotten Lucas a special weapon. Of course, Lucas has to show it to me and runs down the hall to his room. I follow and by the time I get there, he’s got what looks like an AK-47 (the ones the bad guys in Rambo movies always had) with a foot long bayonet attached. How would Jeff Foxworthy put it? You know you’re in the South when you can’t tell if an 11 year-old is going hunting for hogs or VietCong.

He was having a lot of fun, that’s for sure. In recent years, that’s the Lucas I no longer got to see all the time. I sure did miss that before his death and always will.

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