
Christmas Memories

Posted in Memories at 9:15 pm by Tarlie Harris

As I have said, we were really hyper children, Christmas being no exception. Two memories stick out in my mind from all of our Christmases, and they are both when we were pretty young, it just doesn’t get better than Christmas Eve/day when you are little. I remember Lucas searching the house up and down the week before Chirstmas, snooping in every possible corner (a trait he always possessed) and me running behind him going “stop it, you are going to ruin our Christmas!”.
Without fail Lucas was the first one to wake up on Christmas morning, and then if he wasn’t sleeping in my bed (which he usually was b/c we were so excited we would have to talk ourselves to sleep), he would come and wake me up. This was usually about 3:30 or 4:00 in the morning. Somehow I had enough sense to know that this may not fly with the parents just quite yet, so we would go check out the goods as quiet as we could. We wouldn’t touch anything, we would just run in circles around all of the loot that had appeared under the tree over night. I can remember the feeling like it was yesterday, just on the verge of nausea from so much adrenaline and too little sleep. Still as adults, when I would feel ill in a certain way, I was able to describe it to Lucas perfectly as “that Christmas morning nauseous feeling”. We would then start pestering the rest of the house around 5am. One year, we didn’t make it until the wee hours of the morning. We were stirring around the house at like midnight b/c I had sworn that I had heard bells ringing outside, so I dragged Lucas outside, and then we convinced each other that we saw something “glowing red” in the sky. We laughed about that all the time still, and how silly and out of control we were about Christmas.
My other favorite memory was the year that we wanted one of those battery powered kid sized trucks to drive around. We had been talking about it for months. On Christmas morning, there was no truck, only a note from Santa that said that the trucks were all gone but he hoped this would do: tied to the letter was a red string leading outside to a trampoline. It was the best present we ever got and we jumped on that thing constantly until I went to college. I sure did miss him yesterday.

Tarlie Lucas Santa

1 Comment »

  1. Kelley said,

    December 27, 2005 at 4:14 pm

    For some reason I can picture the both of you doing that at Christmas time especially Lucas! Probably because you described it so well! 🙂

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