

Posted in Memories at 12:24 pm by Beth Huber

It has taken me quite a while to post something here and I’m not exactly sure why. I think it’s because I can’t do justice to Lucas and his beautiful family and friends that are suffering his loss.

There are so many things I think of when I think of Lucas but the biggest thing, and my favorite thing, would have to be his smile. That big goofy wonderful grin. He always made me feel at home and safe and comfortable no matter where we were. I could see Lucas at the Harris’ house or in a Tarlie’s apartment in New York City or anywhere and he always made me feel genuinely and completely liked and part of things. That smile made me want to smile; it made me want to crawl inside of his head and his world and figure out the joke or where all the fun was. I always instantly relaxed whenever I saw Lucas. That smile always made me feel that there shouldn’t be any problems in the world. I’ll miss that.

The story I have is a bit silly, but it is one of my strongest memories of Lucas. Tarlie and I were college roommates and once Lucas came to stay with us. Our sorority was having a big party and I also had a friend in town staying with us. After our party, my date and his friends wanted to go out and there wasn’t enough room in the car for all of us. Because I was ridiculous and boy crazy, I ended up going with them and leaving Lucas and my friend alone in a parking lot at a strange school in a strange town (sorry Judi if you are reading this…). My friend told me the next day how Lucas had figured out how to get them home and how he had made the long walk feel fun and safe. The next day I was mortified by my behavior and leaving the two of them. Lucas never made me feel bad about that. I always waited, even years later for him to at least tease me about that night, and he never did. I have always felt I owed him one for taking care of my friend that night.

Tarlie, I’m so glad you did this site. I think it is a beautiful thing and I enjoy reading everyone’s memories of Lucas. This is such a horrible sad time, but I don’t think the end of his life should be marked with just tears. I love seeing this funny silly and real celebration of him.

Lucas to me is strong and caring and sweet and funny. He is kindhearted and warm and fun. He is a good Southern boy who always seemed to respect the people in his life, even the strangers he met on the street. He was always easy to talk to and great to be around. I don’t have a little brother but if I did I would want him to be like Lucas. I am shocked and saddened by Lucas’ death. I was enjoying getting to know the adult he was becoming. I’ll miss that I can’t grow up with Lucas and see where life would’ve taken him. I can only wonder what he would have been like. I’m certain though that he would always have kept that grin.


  1. Tarlie Harris said,

    December 30, 2005 at 1:25 pm

    I wish we had pictures from that party, it was such a fun night and so memorable for some reason, because me, you, and Lucas seemed to remember it pretty well.
    Lucas definitely always made such an effort with my friends. And although, people may think, well duh…cute older girls, it really was never like that. He just genuinely wanted my friends to feel comfortable and have fun, especially if they were in “his” territory. That was just how he was with everyone, it didn’t matter if he was the little brother in the situation. Remember our July 4th trip to the lake a couple of years ago? Lucas and Rachel drove the two of us down there and we were like the little kids in the back seat.
    This picture is from my wedding, I love it because both of your mouths are in the exact same position, obviously relishing in the words to a song…i wonder what song it was….maybe Dixieland Delight? 🙂
    beth and lucas
    beth and lucas dancing

  2. Dayna Mullins said,

    December 31, 2005 at 3:40 pm

    He probably didn’t even recognize there was even anything to be mad about! He was always so chill, happy to go with the flow…he was such an easy person to be around. There are some people that need to be entertained, kind of taken care of…Lucas was totally self sufficient and always made himself at home, even in the midst of strangers.

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